Centralized Payment Processing Solution for Schools

Save Time. Improve Workflows.

We know that finding payment integrations to work with your software can be frustrating and time consuming.

Discover a payment processor that fits with every piece of software your district uses.

Centralized School Payments

Your information flows to ConnexPoint, giving you one central access point to all data.

Offer an easy way to process payments.

Enable parents to pay directly from your website.

Track paid fees through your ConnexPoint dashboard.

Reconcile payments in one place.

Join ConnexPoint Payments

Join our payment network.

Sign up for an account and leverage one central
payment avenue with any K-12 software.

Verify your ConnexPoint Account

Verify your information.

Complete your district and bank information
in your ConnexPoint account.

Transform how you receive payments.

Safely and securely accept payments online for school fees, food service and more.

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